Computers and Home Internet

Consult with your unit’s IT support team to ensure your UBC purchased or reimbursed computing devices are compatible with UBC systems.

Consult with your unit’s IT support team to ensure your UBC purchased or reimbursed computing devices are compatible with UBC systems.

Computer Hardware

Please work with your unit’s IT support team to assess compatibility, support, and security for these purchases. For more details, visit the UBC IT website. Computer equipment that does not hold any information, such as a mouse or a keyboard, may be purchased from anywhere, but please ensure such items are compatible with all computing devices. For a list of recommended hardware and accessories, visit the UBC IT website. All computer hardware purchased with UBC funds remain the property of the university. Any disposal or removal of equipment prior to the end of its useful life at UBC may require compensatory payment. Disposal should follow UBC guidelines, ensure the appropriate protection of university data, and follow best practices for environmentally sustainable disposal methods. For best practices of disposing computer hardware, visit UBC Facilities’ e-waste page.

Research Funds                           

For purchases made from Research Funds, the Principal Investigator (PI) or their delegate has the authority to approve computer purchases from the PI’s Research Funds. Please consult with your unit’s IT support team or Advanced Research Computing staff in advance to assess compatibility, support, and security for these purchases. If it is determined that UBC is unable to support a particular system, but the system is deemed required to conduct research, and provided that research funds are available, the PI may make alternate arrangements with an external provider for specialized research IT support, in conjunction with Unit IT.

Reimbursing Home Internet Services

Home internet services are not reimbursable from General Operating Funds.

Related Policies

In case of any discrepancy with this webpage, the full expense rules will always take precedent.