Glossary of Terms

The following terminology and definitions have been identified as important for establishing an aligned understanding of their specific usage in a UBC context.

Links to external sources have also been provided to support the comprehensiveness of certain definitions.

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ABA Routing Transit Number

Nine-digit number for wire to US.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

An ACH transaction is an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) between bank accounts using a batch processing system.

Bank State Branch (BSB) Code

Six-digit number for wire to Australia.

CFI “In Kind Contributions” Discount

In-kind contributions are defined as eligible non-monetary resources that external partners provide to eligible projects. Those contributions may be recognized by the CFI if deemed essential to an infrastructure project.

In-kind contributions may include, in whole or in part, the value of capital items that eligible external partners donate to the eligible institution, such as equipment, facilities, and space to house and service the infrastructure.

Certain non-capital eligible costs needed to bring the infrastructure into service, such as professional services and training, may also be included as in-kind contributions.

In-kind contributions must be eligible contributions to the acquisition and development of infrastructure, not to the operating costs of research.

The CFI has recently revised the guidelines to assist institutions in the valuation of in-kind contributions (see section 4.8)

Change Order (CO)

A written request to modify a contract, Purchase Order, or agreement.

Conflict of Interest

A situation in which financial or other personal considerations have the potential to compromise or bias professional judgment and objectivity. An apparent conflict of interest is one in which a reasonable person would think the professional’s judgment is likely to be compromised. It is important to note a conflict of interest exists whether or not decisions are affected by a personal interest; a conflict of interest implies only the potential for bias, not a likely hood.

It does not mean the employee has acted on the conflict; it only means that the conflict exists, such as when a potential supplier is owned by a relative of the employee making the procurement decision. In a perceived conflict of interest, the employee holds a position where he can appear to influence or be influenced.


A corporation (also called “company”) is a legal entity that has its own legal personality which is distinct from its owners (called shareholders) and the individuals who manage and run its affairs and business (called directors and officers). The creation of a corporation occurs following the proper filing of Articles of Incorporation (also called a Charter or Certificate of Incorporation) with the relevant government department or authority. Learn more.

Cost Centre

All revenues and expenses are charged to a Cost Center of a department.  It is where a department or unit to which costs are charged.

CRA Business Registration Number

A Business Registration Number is a nine-digit number assigned to a business, incorporated company or society by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The number identifies the business or organization when interacting with federal, provincial and local government programs. Learn more.

CRA GST Number

A Business Registration Number is a nine-digit number assigned to a business, incorporated company or society by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The number identifies the business or organization when interacting with federal, provincial and local government programs. Learn more.