About Us

UBC has three central finance teams — Finance & Integrated Services, Treasury, and the Comptroller's Office. Learn more about each group's function below.

UBC's Finance & Integrated Services group is responsible for the university's core Payroll and Financial Operations functions, as well as the Integrated Service Centre.

UBC's Treasury focuses on the guardianship of the university's financial assets, debt insurance, and the re-lending of capital to departments and faculties.

The Comptroller's team oversees the delivery of financial support to all academic and administrative units across the UBC Vancouver campus, as well as consolidated budgeting and analysis.

Jul. 3, 2024

2024 Services Levy Invoices and Access Information

The 2024 Services Levy invoices will be mailed out in early July with payment due by Friday, August 9, 2024 . If you haven’t received the invoice by...
Jul. 2, 2024

Upcoming changes to TELUS Mobility service agreement

Finance & Integrated Services’ Procurement Strategy Team has recently secured a better contract with TELUS Mobility agreement. This new contract...
Jun. 28, 2024

Read the 2024 Endowment update

Every year, the university provides a summary report for each endowed fund to the designated donor contact. It includes information on the impact...
Jul. 25, 2024
Period+1 Opens for Payroll Only
Jul. 26, 2024
Data Entry
Jul. 31, 2024
Period+1 Opens for All Companies
Jul. 31, 2024
Payroll Activities Closed
Jul. 31, 2024
Cutoff for Supplier Invoice Approvals