Employees Now Able to Generate Their Own Employment Verification Letter

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Current UBC employees can now create their own employment verification letter in Workday.

These letters are typically used to provide proof of employment or income to a third party, such as a financial institution, and include the following information for all active positions: 

  • Position(s)
  • Unit/Department
  • Annual Salary
  • Date of Hire
  • Employment End Date (if applicable)
  • Last Day of Leave (if on leave)

Please note that former employees, contingent workers, and paymaster employees cannot create this letter.

For guidance on how to create your employment verification letter, see Generate Employment Verification Letter in the Workday Knowledge Base.

If you experience an issue, any information appears incorrect, or you require a document with additional information, such as your complete employment history, please submit a Workday support request to Payroll through the UBC Self Service Portal.

Note: UBC Payroll does not field questions from or provide employment information to third parties.