Glossary of Terms

The following terminology and definitions have been identified as important for establishing an aligned understanding of their specific usage in a UBC context.

Links to external sources have also been provided to support the comprehensiveness of certain definitions.

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Sort Code

Six-digit number for wire to UK.

Statement of Work (SOW)

The SOW outlines specific services a supplier is expected to perform, by indicating the type, level and quality of service, the deliverable(s), as well as the time schedule required.

Supplier Name

The registered business name and/or legal entity in which a supplier enters into contracts. This applies to sole proprietors and limited liability corporations (incorporations) and partnerships.

  • For suppliers that are registered with a CRA Business Registration Number (BRN) or GST / HST #, your company / supplier name should match that registered name.
  • For Canadian individuals doing business as a sole proprietor, using their personal name (e.g. John Smith), and providing UBC with their Canadian SIN#, your supplier name is your personal name that matches your SIN #
  • If you are an individual who does business as a sole proprietor and is “doing business as” (DBA) another name other than your personal name, your supplier name should still be your personal name, but with the additional information of your DBA added.


(Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication). Also known as BIC Code (Bankers Identifier Code): contains either eight or eleven alphanumeric characters.

Vendor vs. Supplier

The terms “Supplier” and “Vendor” are used interchangeably.